Using Sports to spark for SRHR information and services!

In Zimbabwe, young people face numerous challenges when it comes to accessing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services. Limited awareness, social stigma, and lack of appropriate information contribute to the existing barriers. However, My Age Zimbabwe is making significant strides in addressing these issues by utilizing sports as a platform to mobilize young people and provide them with vital SRHR services.

With the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), My Age Zimbabwe is collaborating with various service providers such as Populations Solutions for Health (PSH), the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC), Population Services Zimbabwe (PSZ), and the Students and Youth Working on Reproductive Health Action Team (SaYWHAT). Sports has been recognized as a powerful tool for engaging and empowering young people.

They provide a platform for social interaction, teamwork, and the development of important life skills. My Age Zimbabwe leverages this power by organizing sports activities in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. Through football, netball, and other sporting events, the initiative captures the attention and interest of young people, creating a conducive environment for discussions on SRHR issues. One of the key objectives of My Age Zimbabwe is to ensure that young people have access to comprehensive SRHR services.

The initiative collaborates with service providers such as PSH, MoHCC, PSZ, and SaYWHAT to offer a range of services, including HIV testing and counseling, mental health support, and access to contraceptives.

HIV and AIDS remains a significant health concern in Zimbabwe, particularly among young people. My Age Zimbabweans organizes HIV testing and counseling sessions during sporting events, ensuring that young people have access to confidential and reliable testing services. These sessions also serve as platforms to raise awareness about HIV prevention and treatment options. Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked, particularly among young people.

My Age Zimbabwe recognizes the importance of mental health and collaborates with professionals to provide counseling and support services. By integrating mental health into their SRHR initiatives, they aim to address the psychological challenges faced by young people. Access to contraceptives is vital for young people to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health. My Age Zimbabwe works with service providers to ensure that young people have access to a wide range of contraceptive methods.

They provide information, education, and counseling on contraception, helping young people make choices that are best suited to their needs. My Age Zimbabwe understands the need for constant innovation to effectively reach and engage young people. The initiative employs various strategies, including the use of social media, interactive workshops, and peer-to-peer education, to ensure that SRHR messages are relevant, relatable, and accessible to the target audience. By embracing technology and adapting to the changing needs of young people, My Age Zimbabwecontinues to make a significant impact in promoting SRHR.

My Age Zimbabwe is a pioneering initiative that recognizes the power of sports in mobilizing young people for SRHR services. By leveraging the popularity of sports, the initiative creates an inclusive and engaging environment where young people can access comprehensive SRHR services.


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