Sweden Embassy visits My Age’s Know your service campaign.

Over 500 young people access SRHR services!

My Age Zimbabwe in collaboration with Population Services Zimbabwe ,the Ministry of sports, arts ,culture and recreation and key SRHR stakeholders ,joined forces at the Pavillion in Mashava where they conducted a Know Your Service Campaign ,where they were offering SRHR services ,including voluntary HIV testing, contraception and STI screening The know your service was done to meaningfully engage young people on SRHR matters that affect them, youth mobilization activities are crucial for raising awareness and promoting access to sexual reproductive health services in communities with high HIV prevalence, new STI infections, and sexual violence and My Age Zimbabwe continues to use sports and edutainment, such as theatre, film and dance for development dissemination together with the 263YouthTV.

Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services is a fundamental human right. Yet, many individuals still face significant barriers in obtaining the care they need. The “Know Your Service” campaign aims to empower people with the knowledge and resources to confidently access critical SRHR services.

Through this initiative, My Age Zimbabwe provides clear information on available STI screening, HIV testing, and contraception options within the local community, armed with this knowledge, young people can make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, and take proactive steps to protect their wellbeing.


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