Sexual and reproductive health is an essential aspect of overall well-being. It involves the physical, emotional, and social aspects of sexual and reproductive health, which are all important parts of a healthy lifestyle. Good sexual and reproductive health can lead to better quality of life and improved mental and physical health.

Tips for Maintaining Good Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Here are some tips that can help you maintain good sexual and reproductive health:

Practice safe sex: Using condoms or other forms of protection during sex can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies.

  • Get tested: Regular STI testing is an important part of maintaining good sexual health. It can help detect STIs early on and prevent their spread.
  • Practice good hygiene: Good hygiene is essential for maintaining good reproductive health. Make sure to wash your genital area regularly and thoroughly.
  • Limit alcohol and drug use: Alcohol and drugs can impair judgment and increase the risk of engaging in risky sexual behavior.
  • Get vaccinated: Vaccines such as the HPV vaccine can help prevent certain STIs and cervical cancer.

Maintaining good sexual and reproductive health is important for all individuals. Practicing safe sex, practicing good hygiene, and getting regular testing and vaccination can all help prevent the spread of STIs and promote overall health and well-being. Thank you for reading our newsletter on sexual and reproductive health.

Bringing SRH to young people!

Veeslee Mhepo

My Age Zimbabwe continues to   take every opportunity to bring sexual and reproductive health   (SRH) to the people and the hosting of the provincial business conference by the Ministry of Youth Sports Arts and Culture in Masvingo  which gathered hundreds of young people and business Gurus saw an opportunity for My Age Zimbabwe in collaboration with the National Aids Council to provide SRHR services such as voluntary HIV testing, contraception  and SRHR information at the business conference.

Young people are diverse, and their sexual and reproductive health needs are as well and My Age Zimbabwe has made it a mandate to provide young people with information and access to modern contraception, emergency contraception, menstruation,  voluntary HIV and STI (sexually transmitted infection) testing and treatment,  pregnancy testing and services, counselling, gender-based violence and harmful practices ,counselling and referral, and to make sure young are empowered with knowledge of their  sexual and reproductive health rights..

My Age Zimbabwe took the business conference as an opportunity to reach young people, for they face face a number of obstacles accessing sexual and reproductive health services these barriers relate to availability and accessibility as well as the quality of the services, laws and policies may limit young people’s access to services and contraceptives, and health centers may only address the needs of married women.

Because of entrenched social standards and gender inequalities   around young people’s and girls’ sexuality, young people’s activities are restricted, and they may face stigma for being sexually active. Young people’s ability to make judgements or express an opinion may be underestimated due to their age. All of this complicates and frequently prevents young people from getting sexual and reproductive health services.

In an effort to bring SRH to the people especially young people , My Age  has contributed in advocacy and awareness around the School Health Policy, ending Child Marriages, Gender Sensitive Schools and Communities, ASRH Strategy implementation and Violence against Women and Girls working with  government departments, CSO’s among other influencers, donors and partners in SRH work.