My Age Zimbabwe Launches the digital interventions Toolkit!

My Age Zimbabwe Trust, the Swedish Embassy in Zimbabwe, Population Services Zimbabwe, and young people in Zimbabwe collaborated to create the Going Digital Toolkit. The Digital Interventions Toolkit supports the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of young people. The toolkit explores the opportunities and challenges posed by digital technology in improving young people’s access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information.

It also offers guidance and best practices for creating and implementing evidence-based digital interventions to support young people’s SRHR information and services. The toolkit explores the best practices and opportunities posed by digital technology in improving young people’s access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information. It also offers guidance and best practices for creating and implementing evidence-based digital interventions to support young people’s SRHR information and services. This comprehensive resource aims to equip individuals, communities, and organizations with the necessary tools and strategies to harness the power of digital technologies and foster a more inclusive and technologically-savvy society for the young people.


The toolkit encompasses a wide range of digital interventions, including user-friendly mobile applications, web-based platforms, and innovative assistive technologies. It offers step-by-step instructions, best practices, and case studies to help organizations, caregivers, and young people themselves navigate the digital landscape with confidence and ease. “We are thrilled to unveil the Digital Interventions Toolkit, which is a testament to our commitment to empowering older adults and bridging the digital divide,” said Onward Gibson Chironda , the Executive Director of My Age Zimbabwe. “This resource will serve as a valuable guide for communities, healthcare providers, and policymakers as they work towards creating a more youth -friendly, technology-enabled ecosystem.” The launch of the Digital Interventions Toolkit marks a significant milestone in My Age Zimbabwe’s ongoing efforts to promote digital inclusion and, ultimately, improve the overall well-being and quality of life for young people in the country.


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