• Meaningful youth participation – My Age Zimbabwe Values the involvement and participation of all youth below the age of 24 as both decision makers and beneficiaries of interventions and resources.
  • Human rights-based approach – The organisation’s processes, products and services shall be founded on the Human rights framework in particular non-discrimination or exclusion based on any classification, this includes adolescents and young sex workers, LGBTIQs and young people with disabilities.
  • Inclusiveness and diversity – My Age Zimbabwe Values the interests and specific needs of all young people including populations that include but are not limited to LGBTIQs, young women, young people with disabilities, and young sex workers. The defined groups are not only beneficiaries of the organisation’s advocacy work, but shall be involved to actively participate in the designing, implementation, and evaluation of its interventions. Staff and volunteers are required to respect and guarantee this value in and outside organisational processes.
  • Gender equality and gender transformative approach – The Organisation values the needs of youth beyond the binary definition of males and females, upholding equal access to opportunities, and creating an enabling environment which does not disadvantage access to SRH services and information. Approaches include the use of gender mainstreaming and gender-disaggregated data.