My Age Zimbabwe Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:05:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My Age Zimbabwe 32 32 MAYA FESTIVAL 2ND Edition: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 09:05:08 +0000 A Fusion of Talent , Innovation, and Sounds

My Age Zimbabwe successfully organized the Masvingo Youth Arts (MAYA )Festival 2nd Edition 2024 in Masvingo, which was completed with great success, as part of the rethinking arts in pandemics project.

The 2nd edition of the MAYA Festival in 2024 was an undeniable success, captivating audiences with its electrifying blend of poetry slams, mesmerizing performances, and unparalleled networking opportunities.

Some of the highlights of the MAYA Festival were the headlining performances by Ras Caleb, Mr Candy, WekwaMaramba, and Alchemy the big dawg; these captivated the audience and created an electrifying atmosphere.

The festival featured a diverse lineup of national  and local artists, showcasing a wide range of musical genres that kept the audience entertained throughout the event, making it a truly immersive experience for all,the festival gave the locals a place to gather and commemorate their heritage. 

The festival, which has become a beacon of artistic expression and youth empowerment in Masvingo , once again proved its ability to showcase the boundless talent and creativity of the region.

From thought-provoking poetry to captivating musical renditions, each performance left an indelible mark on the attendees, inspiring and empowering young people to embrace their artistic passions.

Beyond the stage, the festival also provided invaluable networking opportunities, allowing artists, industry professionals, and enthusiasts to connect, collaborate, and explore new avenues for growth. 

This dynamic exchange of ideas and experiences has solidified MAYA’s reputation as a hub for the advancement of the Rethinking  arts in pandemics project and the empowerment of the youth.

Special thanks to the CreativeACTIONs2 project that is under the Culture Fund supported by the EU Delegation to Zimbabwe.

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My Age Zimbabwe MAY Newsletter 2024!!! Tue, 04 Jun 2024 08:24:22 +0000

My Age Zimbabwe is thrilled to bring with you the latest edition of  our May Newsletter ,latest projects ,activities and interventions as we continue to advocate for the Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and empowerment of young people.

“Together, we can challenge stereotypes, advocate for change. The future is ours to shape”

Check out our exciting updates in our May Newsletter 2024 !! HERE

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Using Sports to spark for SRHR information and services! Wed, 22 May 2024 13:46:08 +0000

In Zimbabwe, young people face numerous challenges when it comes to accessing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services. Limited awareness, social stigma, and lack of appropriate information contribute to the existing barriers. However, My Age Zimbabwe is making significant strides in addressing these issues by utilizing sports as a platform to mobilize young people and provide them with vital SRHR services.

With the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), My Age Zimbabwe is collaborating with various service providers such as Populations Solutions for Health (PSH), the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC), Population Services Zimbabwe (PSZ), and the Students and Youth Working on Reproductive Health Action Team (SaYWHAT). Sports has been recognized as a powerful tool for engaging and empowering young people.

They provide a platform for social interaction, teamwork, and the development of important life skills. My Age Zimbabwe leverages this power by organizing sports activities in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. Through football, netball, and other sporting events, the initiative captures the attention and interest of young people, creating a conducive environment for discussions on SRHR issues. One of the key objectives of My Age Zimbabwe is to ensure that young people have access to comprehensive SRHR services.

The initiative collaborates with service providers such as PSH, MoHCC, PSZ, and SaYWHAT to offer a range of services, including HIV testing and counseling, mental health support, and access to contraceptives.

HIV and AIDS remains a significant health concern in Zimbabwe, particularly among young people. My Age Zimbabweans organizes HIV testing and counseling sessions during sporting events, ensuring that young people have access to confidential and reliable testing services. These sessions also serve as platforms to raise awareness about HIV prevention and treatment options. Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked, particularly among young people.

My Age Zimbabwe recognizes the importance of mental health and collaborates with professionals to provide counseling and support services. By integrating mental health into their SRHR initiatives, they aim to address the psychological challenges faced by young people. Access to contraceptives is vital for young people to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health. My Age Zimbabwe works with service providers to ensure that young people have access to a wide range of contraceptive methods.

They provide information, education, and counseling on contraception, helping young people make choices that are best suited to their needs. My Age Zimbabwe understands the need for constant innovation to effectively reach and engage young people. The initiative employs various strategies, including the use of social media, interactive workshops, and peer-to-peer education, to ensure that SRHR messages are relevant, relatable, and accessible to the target audience. By embracing technology and adapting to the changing needs of young people, My Age Zimbabwecontinues to make a significant impact in promoting SRHR.

My Age Zimbabwe is a pioneering initiative that recognizes the power of sports in mobilizing young people for SRHR services. By leveraging the popularity of sports, the initiative creates an inclusive and engaging environment where young people can access comprehensive SRHR services.

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Zimbabwe’s Introduction of Injectable PrEP A Turning Point in HIV Prevention for Young People Wed, 22 May 2024 13:31:16 +0000

Onward Gibson

Zimbabwe’s recent rollout of Injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) marks a significant milestone in the country’s efforts to combat HIV/AIDS, particularly among young people. This innovative approach to HIV prevention offers a new tool that holds great promise in reducing HIV transmission rates and empowering young individuals to take control of their sexual health. In this article, we will explore the importance of Zimbabwe’s Injectable PrEP rollout and its potential impact on young people’s HIV prevention. Zimbabwe has long been grappling with the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS. According to UNAIDS data, the country had an estimated HIV prevalence of 12.9% among adults in 2020, translating to approximately 1.3 million people living with HIV.

Among the most affected groups are young people, with around 160,000 adolescents (15-19 years) and 600,000 young adults (20-24 years) living with HIV. Injectable PrEP offers several advantages over traditional oral PrEP, making it a game-changer in HIV prevention, particularly for young people.

Injectable PrEP provides an additional option for HIV prevention alongside oral PrEP. For some individuals, adherence to daily oral medication can be challenging due to various reasons. Injectable PrEP offers a more convenient alternative, requiring administration only once every two months. This accessibility factor is especially crucial for young people who may face barriers in accessing and adhering to daily PrEP regimens.

The injectable formulation of PrEP provides sustained protection against HIV for up to two months. This long-acting nature of Injectable PrEP ensures continuous coverage, reducing the risk of HIV transmission among young individuals who may face challenges in consistently accessing and adhering to daily oral PrEP. The extended protection period can significantly improve the overall effectiveness of HIV prevention efforts. The introduction of Injectable PrEP empowers young people to make informed decisions about their sexual health. It gives them an additional tool to protect themselves from HIV, reducing their vulnerability to the virus and its potential consequences.

By providing young individuals with more options, Injectable PrEP empowers them to take control of their own well-being. Stigma associated with HIV remains a significant barrier to prevention and treatment efforts. Injectable PrEP offers a discreet option for HIV prevention, as it does not require daily pill-taking. This can help mitigate some of the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS, particularly among young people who may fear judgment or discrimination if their prevention methods are discovered.

The ability to access HIV prevention discreetly can encourage more individuals to seek and utilize preventive measures. Zimbabwe’s introduction of Injectable PrEP represents a critical moment for young people’s HIV prevention efforts. With accessibility, accessibility, Injectable PrEP has the potential to make a significant impact in reducing HIV transmission rates among young people in Zimbabwe. However, it is vital to ensure comprehensive education and awareness campaigns to promote its uptake and address any potential challenges.

By leveraging this innovative approach, Zimbabwe takes a vital step forward in its fight against HIV/AIDS and paves the way for a brighter, healthier future for its young population.

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Sweden Embassy visits My Age’s Know your service campaign. Wed, 22 May 2024 13:22:09 +0000 Over 500 young people access SRHR services!

My Age Zimbabwe in collaboration with Population Services Zimbabwe ,the Ministry of sports, arts ,culture and recreation and key SRHR stakeholders ,joined forces at the Pavillion in Mashava where they conducted a Know Your Service Campaign ,where they were offering SRHR services ,including voluntary HIV testing, contraception and STI screening The know your service was done to meaningfully engage young people on SRHR matters that affect them, youth mobilization activities are crucial for raising awareness and promoting access to sexual reproductive health services in communities with high HIV prevalence, new STI infections, and sexual violence and My Age Zimbabwe continues to use sports and edutainment, such as theatre, film and dance for development dissemination together with the 263YouthTV.

Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services is a fundamental human right. Yet, many individuals still face significant barriers in obtaining the care they need. The “Know Your Service” campaign aims to empower people with the knowledge and resources to confidently access critical SRHR services.

Through this initiative, My Age Zimbabwe provides clear information on available STI screening, HIV testing, and contraception options within the local community, armed with this knowledge, young people can make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, and take proactive steps to protect their wellbeing.

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TEST CHECK Tue, 21 May 2024 23:19:42 +0000

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Don’t miss out on My Age Zimbabwe quarterly updates!!! Wed, 03 Apr 2024 10:45:09 +0000 When it comes to advocating for SRHR My Age Zimbabwe takes every step necessary !!!

Welcome to the latest edition of our quarterly newsletter, we’re excited to share some of our most recent achievements and updates with you as of the first quarter of 2024 .

Check out our Quarterly Newsletter Here

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Connecting Adolescent Girls and Young Women for HIV prevention!! Wed, 27 Mar 2024 11:06:09 +0000

My Age Zimbabwe and the Development Agenda for Girls and Women in Africa Network (DAWA) have joined forces to implement a project called “Connecting Adolescent Girls and Women for HIV Prevention.” With support from ViiV Healthcare, they have kicked off the project by jointly training 15 adolescent girls and women on HIV prevention in Mwenezi and Masvingo.

Through the ViiV project, both organizations aim to reduce new HIV infections among AGYW in Masvingo Urban and Mwenezi, as well as promote health-seeking behavior among these girls and young women. 

This will be achieved through innovative methods of information sharing, generating demand, and mobilizing the community to improve access, utilization, and retention of HIV combination prevention methods. 

Ultimately, the project seeks to contribute to decreased HIV infections  and increased HIV/AIDS knowledge among adolescent girls and young women. It builds on My Age Zimbabwe’s experience implementing youth-focused sexual and reproductive health programs in Masvingo Province. Meanwhile, DAWA brings expertise in advocacy and creating spaces for girls and young women on issues like HIV and SRHR.

This project will complement existing efforts to revitalize HIV prevention for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) at the national level. Its aim is to showcase the feasibility of inclusive and comprehensive projects that are led by AGYW and focused on accelerating HIV prevention efforts. This project will harmonize with various ongoing initiatives, such as the Community-led Monitoring Program by UNAIDS, the DREAMS project, and the AGYW Prevention Self-Assessment tool by the South-to-South Learning Network, in support of the localized Global HIV Prevention roadmap. 

Its ultimate goal is to expand the impact of its innovations, particularly the mobile application, to a wider group of AGYW. Additionally, the project will work closely with UNAIDS and the Ministry of Health in Zimbabwe to enhance access to accurate HIV prevention information and services for AGYW.

With a primary objective of scaling up into districts with high HIV infections among AGYW in Zimbabwe, the project will then proceed to engage with community-based, youth-led, and women-led organizations to foster collaborations and pool resources.

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Call for Consultancy Sat, 23 Mar 2024 18:49:11 +0000 Baseline Survey: CONNECTING ADOLESCENT GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN (AGYW) FOR HIV PREVENTION PROJECT

My Age Zimbabwe is seeking for a consultant to conduct a baseline survey for its new project titled : Connecting Adolescents Girls and Young Women (AGYW) for HIV prevention.

click here for the TORS

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