Uncategorized – My Age Zimbabwe https://myagezimbabwe.org Wed, 22 May 2024 13:31:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://myagezimbabwe.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/cropped-myage-logo-1-32x32.jpg Uncategorized – My Age Zimbabwe https://myagezimbabwe.org 32 32 Zimbabwe’s Introduction of Injectable PrEP A Turning Point in HIV Prevention for Young People https://myagezimbabwe.org/zimbabwes-introduction-of-injectable-prep-a-turning-point-in-hiv-prevention-for-young-people/ https://myagezimbabwe.org/zimbabwes-introduction-of-injectable-prep-a-turning-point-in-hiv-prevention-for-young-people/#respond Wed, 22 May 2024 13:31:16 +0000 https://myagezimbabwe.org/?p=714

Onward Gibson

Zimbabwe’s recent rollout of Injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) marks a significant milestone in the country’s efforts to combat HIV/AIDS, particularly among young people. This innovative approach to HIV prevention offers a new tool that holds great promise in reducing HIV transmission rates and empowering young individuals to take control of their sexual health. In this article, we will explore the importance of Zimbabwe’s Injectable PrEP rollout and its potential impact on young people’s HIV prevention. Zimbabwe has long been grappling with the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS. According to UNAIDS data, the country had an estimated HIV prevalence of 12.9% among adults in 2020, translating to approximately 1.3 million people living with HIV.

Among the most affected groups are young people, with around 160,000 adolescents (15-19 years) and 600,000 young adults (20-24 years) living with HIV. Injectable PrEP offers several advantages over traditional oral PrEP, making it a game-changer in HIV prevention, particularly for young people.

Injectable PrEP provides an additional option for HIV prevention alongside oral PrEP. For some individuals, adherence to daily oral medication can be challenging due to various reasons. Injectable PrEP offers a more convenient alternative, requiring administration only once every two months. This accessibility factor is especially crucial for young people who may face barriers in accessing and adhering to daily PrEP regimens.

The injectable formulation of PrEP provides sustained protection against HIV for up to two months. This long-acting nature of Injectable PrEP ensures continuous coverage, reducing the risk of HIV transmission among young individuals who may face challenges in consistently accessing and adhering to daily oral PrEP. The extended protection period can significantly improve the overall effectiveness of HIV prevention efforts. The introduction of Injectable PrEP empowers young people to make informed decisions about their sexual health. It gives them an additional tool to protect themselves from HIV, reducing their vulnerability to the virus and its potential consequences.

By providing young individuals with more options, Injectable PrEP empowers them to take control of their own well-being. Stigma associated with HIV remains a significant barrier to prevention and treatment efforts. Injectable PrEP offers a discreet option for HIV prevention, as it does not require daily pill-taking. This can help mitigate some of the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS, particularly among young people who may fear judgment or discrimination if their prevention methods are discovered.

The ability to access HIV prevention discreetly can encourage more individuals to seek and utilize preventive measures. Zimbabwe’s introduction of Injectable PrEP represents a critical moment for young people’s HIV prevention efforts. With accessibility, accessibility, Injectable PrEP has the potential to make a significant impact in reducing HIV transmission rates among young people in Zimbabwe. However, it is vital to ensure comprehensive education and awareness campaigns to promote its uptake and address any potential challenges.

By leveraging this innovative approach, Zimbabwe takes a vital step forward in its fight against HIV/AIDS and paves the way for a brighter, healthier future for its young population.

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COMMUNITY LED MONITORING (CLM)- HOW WE ARE ROLLING https://myagezimbabwe.org/community-led-monitoring-clm-how-we-are-rolling/ https://myagezimbabwe.org/community-led-monitoring-clm-how-we-are-rolling/#respond Sat, 16 Mar 2024 11:32:58 +0000 https://myagezimbabwe.org/?p=595

In continuous with the spirit of letting communities lead ,My Age Zimbabwe has kickstarted the CLM Project with an inception meeting to sensitize key stakeholders concerning the Access initiative project In Masvingo and Gutu district ,to sensitize key stakeholders about the community-led monitoring project, to the project with stakeholders.

Obedience Mazenge CLM Project Officer said that The project focuses on getting input from recipients of HIV services in a routine and systematic manner that will translate into action and change. “The partners will build the capacity of People Living with HIV, Key Populations (LGBTQI, Sex workers, PWUIDs) Young people including Adolescent Girls and young women, People with Disabilities, Women networks, Faith networks, High-risk men and boys and people living with HIV (PLHIV) in 6 Districts of Masvingo Province (Chiredzi, Zaka, Gutu, Mwenezi, Masvingo, Chivi) under PEPFAR to increase their technical capacity to gather, analyze, secure, use and own data. “He said.

“The CLM project will capacitate local champions drawn from different sectors in local communities that will work with local clinics in the targeted 6 Districts of Masvingo Province to contact Community-led monitoring and gather crucial information and observations regarding HIV service delivery from and about key and vulnerable populations and other underserved groups.”

“The data will also be used for research and informing HIV programming that is aimed at improving service delivery. “The data collected complement local and national monitoring and provide key information to fill critical decision-making gaps that lead to evidence-informed action to improve services. The project will be implemented using the following cycle including data collection, analysis and translation, engagement and dissemination, advocacy, and monitoring. “said Mazenge

The collected data will not only support research efforts but will also play a crucial role in shaping HIV programming to enhance service delivery. By complementing local and national monitoring efforts, this data fills significant decision-making gaps, enabling evidence-informed actions to improve services for those in need.

The project will follow a structured cycle, starting with data collection, followed by analysis and translation, engagement and dissemination of findings, advocacy for necessary changes, and ongoing monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of interventions.

Through these coordinated efforts, the CLM project aims to make a meaningful impact on improving HIV services and support within the communities of Masvingo Province.

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In Zimbabwe, young people face numerous challenges when it comes to accessing sexual and…

Zimbabwe’s Introduction of Injectable PrEP A Turning Point in HIV Prevention for Young People

Onward Gibson Zimbabwe’s recent rollout of Injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) marks a…

Section Title



My Age Zimbabwe Launches the digital interventions Toolkit!

My Age Zimbabwe Trust, the Swedish Embassy in Zimbabwe, Population Services Zimbabwe, and young…

The Maya Festival 3rd Edition!! A Triumph of Empowerment and Artistic Expressions

My Age Zimbabwe from 12 July to 13 July hosted the MAYA Festival in Masvingo, themed “Spaces…

Mohcc commits to priorities Adolescents healthcare at ZAHWS 2024

Co-created and co-convened by Young People, Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC), and My Age…

Tender Notice!!

My Age Zimbabwe invites prospective reputable suppliers registered with the ProcurementRegulatory…


A Fusion of Talent , Innovation, and Sounds My Age Zimbabwe successfully organized the Masvingo…

My Age Zimbabwe MAY Newsletter 2024!!!

My Age Zimbabwe is thrilled to bring with you the latest edition of  our May Newsletter ,latest…

Using Sports to spark for SRHR information and services!

In Zimbabwe, young people face numerous challenges when it comes to accessing sexual and…

Zimbabwe’s Introduction of Injectable PrEP A Turning Point in HIV Prevention for Young People

Onward Gibson Zimbabwe’s recent rollout of Injectable Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) marks a…
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CONNECTING AGYW FOR HIV PREVENTION ! https://myagezimbabwe.org/connecting-agyw-for-hiv-prevention/ https://myagezimbabwe.org/connecting-agyw-for-hiv-prevention/#respond Sat, 16 Mar 2024 08:58:10 +0000 https://myagezimbabwe.org/?p=589

My Age Zimbabwe in collaboration  with Development Agenda for Girls and Women in Africa Network(Dawa ) through the support from  ViiV Healthcare  has joined hands to  implement the project known as ‘Connecting Adolescent Girls and Women for HIV Prevention and has  kickstarted with the training of   Adolescent Girls and Women for HIV Prevention in Mwenezi and Masvingo jointly.

Through the ViiV project, both organizations aim to reduce new HIV infections among AGYW in Masvingo Urban and Mwenezi, as well as promote health-seeking behavior among these girls and young women. 

This will be achieved through innovative methods of information sharing, generating demand, and mobilizing the community to improve access, utilization, and retention of HIV combination prevention methods. 

This project will ultimately contribute to a decrease in new HIV infections and increased knowledge on HIV and AIDS among AGYW.

Mwenezi District Development Coordinator   Innocent Mutambara welcomed the  initiative ion Mwenezi and said that it was very important considering  the number of hiv infections among young people also  HIV prevention  will help protect the future.

“ HIV prevention is the way to go  as this is  a good platform to protect the future ,We welcome this initiative in the district   as it will help reduce HIV infections in our communities  and  we will be supportive  throughout the project to have  a good outcome” said Mutambara.

Mwenezi District Medical Officer Doctor  Matibhiri  said that  this project is vital in Mwenezi and it  has full support  and is looking forward to great outcomes and increased  HIV and Aids Knowledge among Adolescent Girls and Young Women.

Mwenezi Ministry of women’s affairs  representative Mr  Abdiel Mboweni said  that  the project will enhance advocacy on Gender equality as Gender Inequalities  contribute to the spread  of  HIV .

“As the ministry of women’s affairs  we  welcome this project  as we continue to advocate on gender equality  since gender  inequalities  contribute to the spread of HIV.

With a primary objective of scaling up into districts with high HIV incidence among AGYW in Zimbabwe, the project will then proceed to engage with community-based, youth, and women-led organizations to foster collaborations and pool resources. 

Weekly News

Weekly News

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Newsletter January 2023 https://myagezimbabwe.org/newsletter-january-2023/ Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:08:10 +0000 https://myagezimbabwe.org/?p=324

Newsletter January 2023

The Women Deliver of tomorrow is one in which feminists and
feminist movements from around the world, and people with
marginalized and vulnerable identities, see themselves and play a
leading role in demanding the full suite of SRHR for all girls and
women, everywhere.
