The organisations has contributed to the formulation and implementation of the Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Strategy and Zimbabwe National AIDS Strategic Plan. Regionally we contributed to the evaluation of Eastern and Southern Africa Inter-ministerial commitment in Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe and Development of new commitments and the formulation of the Africa Coalition on Menstrual Health.

The organization participates in Global fund and PePFAR operational plan development processes and allocation of resources  with a bias toward programs targeting adolescents and young people in their diversity. This is inclusive of models responding to Violence against Women and Girls. We have successfully advocated for development of safe shelters and polices around standard operating procedures following reports of sexual violence. The organisation has worked within the ESA region and at global level on meaningful youth engagement, gender equality and SRHR advocacy in work supported by HIVOS, Women Deliver, Rutgers, UNFPA, UNESCO, UNAIDS among other partners. The organisation exhibits particular strength in its ability to build and maintain relations with constituents, allies, external actors and target groups. The organisation’s strategies, vision and overall practices facilitates the building of such relations. The aforementioned strategies, visions and practices are evidently fundamentally centred on advocacy as can be seen in the mission statement of the organisation. The organisation has an understanding of youth and gender transformative approaches and has worked on projects that include the approaches.