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Other technical support to Mas/ CPs: January 2024 Wed, 31 Jan 2024 17:21:11 +0000



BOFWA (Botswana)

·         Support needed:

·         Any pending follow-up on IPPF side:

·         Miscellaneous at BOFWA:


·         Support needed:

·         Any pending follow-up on IPPF side:

·         Miscellaneous at FLAS:

LPPA (Lesotho)

·         Support needed:

·         Any pending follow-up on IPPF side:

·         Miscellaneous at LPPA:

MY AGE (Zimbabwe)

·         Support needed: 2023 Reports, 2024 Business Plan, Fundraising Opportunities, Support with Clinic Project, Support for Social enterprise establishment for sustainability, Call Centre Support

·         Any pending follow-up on IPPF side: 2023 Reporting templates, 2024 Business Plan

·         Miscellaneous at My Age:

SOUL CITY (South Africa)

·         Support needed:

·         Any pending follow-up on IPPF side:

·         Miscellaneous at Soul City:


·         Support needed:

·         Any pending follow-up on IPPF side:

·         Miscellaneous PPAZ:

Breaking the Stigma around Period Poverty! Wed, 31 Jan 2024 17:19:10 +0000

My Age Zimbabwe (MAZ) joins the rest of the world in commemorating Menstrual Hygiene Day  together  with  the Great Zimbabwe University Peer educators,Zvandiri ,Saywhat and My Voice in Zimbabwe through  a dialogue which focused on Menstrual Health Management  and  demystifying myths around  having menstruation conversations.


Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated on the 28 day of may each year ,this year MHDay  was celebrated under the theme “Making menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030”


My Age Zimbabwe and its partners are committed took the commemorations as platform   to taking steps in breaking the taboos and the stigma surrounding menstruation by bringing menstruation out into the open, letting young people know that it’s okay to discuss, properly naming and talking about menstruation without using euphemisms.

 The Menstrual Health dialogues helped shed light on the major challenges faced by women and  girls   highlighting  stigma as the major  challenge.


 Millions of women and girls throughout the world are stigmatized, alienated, and discriminated against merely because they menstruate, the menstrual hygiene dialogue contributed to reducing tensions around menstruation conversations.


MAZ   and its partners committed to   work all year round to   end the period of poverty and period stigma   and increase   awareness about the challenges regarding access to menstrual products, education about menstruation and period-friendly sanitation facilities, as well to mobilize   the funding required for action at scale through a period poverty campaign.



In Commemoration of MHM Day

Let us not forget:


Periods are a natural bodily function experienced by half of the world’s population. Yet for many women and girls, accessing menstrual products can be a challenging and often unaffordable task. Period poverty, the inability for someone to access or afford menstrual products, is a widespread issue that affects millions of people worldwide.


In some cases, women and girls are forced to resort to using rags, paper towels, or even plastic bags as makeshift sanitary products. This can lead to infections, discomfort, and embarrassment. The financial burden of purchasing menstrual products can also put undue strain on already tight budgets and result in difficult choices between basic needs such as food, shelter, and hygiene.

Period poverty is a multifaceted issue that has severe implications for women’s health, education, and dignity.


 A lack of access to menstrual products can have a devastating impact on a woman’s mental and physical well-being. Women and girls may feel ashamed and embarrassed, which can lead to low self-esteem and a fear of social exclusion. Period poverty can even cause some women to miss work or school, which creates a ripple effect on their economic stability and social mobility.


Breaking the stigma around menstruation is essential to eradicate period poverty. There is  need to start talking openly and honestly about periods as a natural process that requires basic hygiene and medical care. This means challenging the negative attitudes and misconceptions that perpetuate period poverty and creating safe spaces for women and girls to share their experiences and seek support.


Governments and community organizations also play a crucial role in addressing period poverty. They can implement policies that prioritize menstrual hygiene management, provide financial assistance to low-income households, and distribute free or subsidized menstrual products to those in need.


Conclusively, period poverty is a significant barrier to gender equality and social justice. It is essential that we recognize the issue and take action to ensure that everyone has access to safe and affordable menstrual products. By breaking the stigma and providing essential resources and support, we can empower women and girls and promote their health, dignity, and well-being.


Sexual and reproductive health is an essential aspect of overall well-being. It involves the physical, emotional, and social aspects of sexual and reproductive health, which are all important parts of a healthy lifestyle. Good sexual and reproductive health can lead to better quality of life and improved mental and physical health. Wed, 31 Jan 2024 17:17:19 +0000

Tips for Maintaining Good Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Here are some tips that can help you maintain good sexual and reproductive health:

Practice safe sex: Using condoms or other forms of protection during sex can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies.

  • Get tested: Regular STI testing is an important part of maintaining good sexual health. It can help detect STIs early on and prevent their spread.
  • Practice good hygiene: Good hygiene is essential for maintaining good reproductive health. Make sure to wash your genital area regularly and thoroughly.
  • Limit alcohol and drug use: Alcohol and drugs can impair judgment and increase the risk of engaging in risky sexual behavior.
  • Get vaccinated: Vaccines such as the HPV vaccine can help prevent certain STIs and cervical cancer.

Maintaining good sexual and reproductive health is important for all individuals. Practicing safe sex, practicing good hygiene, and getting regular testing and vaccination can all help prevent the spread of STIs and promote overall health and well-being. Thank you for reading our newsletter on sexual and reproductive health.

Bringing SRH to young people!

Veeslee Mhepo

My Age Zimbabwe continues to   take every opportunity to bring sexual and reproductive health   (SRH) to the people and the hosting of the provincial business conference by the Ministry of Youth Sports Arts and Culture in Masvingo  which gathered hundreds of young people and business Gurus saw an opportunity for My Age Zimbabwe in collaboration with the National Aids Council to provide SRHR services such as voluntary HIV testing, contraception  and SRHR information at the business conference.

Young people are diverse, and their sexual and reproductive health needs are as well and My Age Zimbabwe has made it a mandate to provide young people with information and access to modern contraception, emergency contraception, menstruation,  voluntary HIV and STI (sexually transmitted infection) testing and treatment,  pregnancy testing and services, counselling, gender-based violence and harmful practices ,counselling and referral, and to make sure young are empowered with knowledge of their  sexual and reproductive health rights..

My Age Zimbabwe took the business conference as an opportunity to reach young people, for they face face a number of obstacles accessing sexual and reproductive health services these barriers relate to availability and accessibility as well as the quality of the services, laws and policies may limit young people’s access to services and contraceptives, and health centers may only address the needs of married women.

Because of entrenched social standards and gender inequalities   around young people’s and girls’ sexuality, young people’s activities are restricted, and they may face stigma for being sexually active. Young people’s ability to make judgements or express an opinion may be underestimated due to their age. All of this complicates and frequently prevents young people from getting sexual and reproductive health services.

In an effort to bring SRH to the people especially young people , My Age  has contributed in advocacy and awareness around the School Health Policy, ending Child Marriages, Gender Sensitive Schools and Communities, ASRH Strategy implementation and Violence against Women and Girls working with  government departments, CSO’s among other influencers, donors and partners in SRH work.

Combating Drug and Substance use and misuse in Masvingo Wed, 31 Jan 2024 17:15:04 +0000

My Age Zimbabwe in collaboration  with the Ministry of sports, recreation arts and culture and other key partners conducted a walk for life  with artists advocating  against drug and substance use and misuse in Masvingo.


My Age has been empowering young artists and combating drug and substance misuse through the 263 youth TV Digital Platform in an effort to improve the situation making use of the hidden power artists possess, due to their significant social impact, artists spearheaded the Walk for Life initiative since they are   among the most influential groups when it comes to drug and substance abuse.


Dr Chidhakwa from the Ministry of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture said that this was a good initiative and that it should be carried out on a regular basis to raise awareness of the dangers that drug and substance abuse pose to our health, future, and national development. She also suggested using sports, the arts, and recreational activities to teach young people how to avoid drug use and abuse.


Provincial head of the ministry of youth in Masvingo John  Mbizvo said that   giving young artist a platform to harness their talents   and investing in sports will go a long way in curing the situation of drugs and substance abuse


Whilst drug trafficking is rampant across Zimbabwe, the problem has gone beyond imported drugs, reports indicate some young people take local concoctions, others even dip diapers and bleach products in boiling water and then inhale the vapors as intoxicants have emerged as new sources for both hard and prescription drugs, including bronclear (a cough syrup containing codeine), moonshine knowns locally as tumbwa or kozoda, crystal meth and prescription drugs such as Diazepam, Ketamine and Pethidine, morphine and Fentanyl.


Sport is found to be associated with enhanced self-esteem and self-discipline, the prevention of boredom and the promotion of leadership skills, empowerment, positive relationships and role models. Various artistic activities for example music, visual arts, dance, drama) were found to contribute to cognitive development, greater self-awareness and self-confidence, and positive social interactions to young people.


Drug and substance abuse can have a profound impact on artists, firstly, it can severely hinder their creative process. The altered state of mind caused by drugs can distort their perception and impair their ability to think clearly and creatively.


This can result in a decline in the quality of their work, as well as a lack of focus and motivation to create. Secondly, drug abuse can lead to physical and mental health issues, which can further impede an artist’s ability to produce art.


The physical toll of substance abuse can result in fatigue, illness, and a general decline in overall well-being. Additionally, the mental health implications, such as depression and anxiety, can further hinder an artist’s ability to find inspiration and express themselves through their art, drug and substance abuse can also negatively impact an artist’s professional and personal life.

A Guide To Your Rights Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:43:24 +0000

A Guide to your rights

MAZ September Newsletter 2023 Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:20:32 +0000

MAZ September Newsletter 2023

My Age Zimbabwe together with the Population
Services, commemorated World Contraception Day
with a game day that brought together young people
from many groups, encouraging them to take charge of
their sexual and reproductive health under the theme the
power of options.

Newsletter January 2023 Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:08:10 +0000

Newsletter January 2023

The Women Deliver of tomorrow is one in which feminists and
feminist movements from around the world, and people with
marginalized and vulnerable identities, see themselves and play a
leading role in demanding the full suite of SRHR for all girls and
women, everywhere.
