We serve as advisors, representatives and partners to civil society, multilateral development organizations and movements, and the private sector to guide SRHR priorities and advocacy.

In our capacity as trusted youth leaders and thought partners, we work with organizations across sectors to champion young people, in all their intersecting identities, to shape the policies and programs that impact their lives. Our roster of advisory roles is ever-growing and ever-adapting to reflect and respond to the needs of young people. The following list represents current and former advisory roles, memberships, and partnerships:
  1. Civil Connections Community Foundation Zimbabwe Coordinator
  2. She Decides to Movement Zimbabwe Coordinator
  3. Partnership for Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (PNMCH ) Adolescence and Youth Constituency Local Partner, Zimbabwe
  4. FP 2030 Youth Focal Point for Zimbabwe
  5. Community Led Monitoring (CLM) Steering Committee Youth Rep, Zimbabwe
  6. Coalition to build Momentum, Power, Activism, Strategy & Solidarity (COMPASS) Africa member and steering committee member in Zimbabwe.
  7. With the Ministry of Health and Child Care Zimbabwe, we co-convene the Zimbabwe Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Symposium