My Age Zimbabwe Trust is a youth-led organization that champions youth leadership, participation, gender equality, and the health and rights of adolescence and young people. We harness evidence and unite diverse voices to spark a commitment to youth-related issues. Anchored in sexual and reproductive health, we advocate for the rights of young people across every aspect of their lives. The organization is committed to the promotion of young people’s access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). We subscribe to the notion that SRHR education, information, and services should be accessible to everyone in the human rights framework including adolescents and young sex workers, Key and Vulnerable Populations (KVP), and Young People With Disabilities (YPWD).

My Age’s efforts are centered on concerted advocacy on strategic and policy documents, increase in resources for health, facilitating social accountability, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, linking young people to SGBV, SRHR, HIV and AIDS services, and facilitating meaningful and inclusive youth participation in civic processes across the board. This is done through an innovative combination of programs and interventions which include digital conversations, production of documentaries and stories of change, theatre for development, organizational capacity strengthening for youth-led organizations, skills strengthening initiatives, dialogue with duty bearers, exchange programs including linking young people with opportunities that they need to advance their health, rights, and young people at community, sub-national, national and international level.
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Funded by SIDA, CCCF, SRHR Africa Trust and the Canadian Fund For Local Initiatives, the Girls Choose (GC) Program is My Age’s flagship program which capacitate 200 young people (15-25) as SRHR champions in their different communities who act as referral champions for SRHR services. The programme also capacitates service providers to provide youth friendly SRHR, HIV services and also provides Comprehensive Sexuality Education through theatre for development, community dialogues, know and get your SRHR services campaigns and youth-stakeholder interface dialogues.

Facilitated Film Screening project
Funded by STEPS, My Age carries out facilitated film screenings for adolescents and young people in the urban and rural communities of Masvingo. The screenings are divided into two groups, Brother to Brother and Sister to Sister where the young men and young women separately meet to watch films that portray keys SRHR issues such as sexual harassment, teenage pregnancy, fatherhood etc. Thereafter, the learning cycle is used to unpack the issues and ascertain their relevance to the communities within which the young people live.

My Age is the Coordinator and Curator for the She Decides Movement in Zimbabwe since 2019. The organisation has managed to make work with donors, media, law makers, opinion leaders CSOs and feminist organisations working together to build support for bodily autonomy and advance sexual and reproductive health and rights for all. The movement which enjoying a membership of 35 feminist organisation in Zimbabwe has been bold to demand action and accountability for sexual and reproductive health and rights and bodily autonomy including advocating for access to safe abortion and youth participation, calling for action on CSE a and keeping the flame alive on ICPD25 commitments in Zimbabwe.